Montgomery Street
West Side of Montgomery

The Shoreline Was Montgomery Beach.

Location of the Wells Fargo branch where James King of William was shot by James P. Casey.

West Side of Montgomery from Commercial to Washington Streets.

West Side of Montgomery from Commercial to Washington Streets.

NW corner of Clay and Montgomery Streets.

Before moving to its Union Square location in 1905 [-2015], San Francisco's oldest retail establishment, Shreve Jewlers was located at the SW corner of Clay & Montgomery.

Notice the Helios logo on the back of the wagon. This was the picture developing wagon of Edward Muybridge, the inventor of the moving picture.

McGuires Opera House on Washington between Montgomery & Kearny housed in its basement Buckly's Snug Saloon.

Charles Bolton/Boles, the bandit who robbed Wells Fargo stage coaches frequented the Snug Saloon along with Ulysees Grant, William T. Sherman, Mark Twain, Joshua Norton and Bummer & Lazarus.

The Miner's Exchange at Montgomery & Jackson was San Francisco's 1st stock exchange.

Bank of Italy
Montgomery Block / Trans America Building

The Montgomery Block was the tallest building in San Francisco in 1853. Seen here in the upper left from the corner of Stockton and Bush streets.

The Bank Exchange was a saloon and spa in the basement of the Montgomery Block. It was the home of San Francisco's official cocktail through the late 19th century, Pisco Punch. Inventor of the Pisco Punch, Duncan Nicol, is seen here on center behind the bar.

The walls of Coppa's were originally painted an ugly red which many of the artist patrons hated. They took to painting murals on the walls - one of which by painter Xavier Martinez included stenciled black cats which gave the restaurant its nickname.

Artist Xavier Martinez is pictured on the far right - Coppa’s

Beginning of Demo

Mayor Alioto (Left) with Early Trans Am model

Located at the former shoreline, the Trans America building is very close to where Capt. Montgomery landed to take Yerba Buena as American territory.

Built on the same location as the Montgomery Block, This is where the pyramid would have been located during the fire in 1906.

Pyramid from Kearny & Vallejo (Telegraph Hill)