Barbary Coast
Crimpers/Shang Hai Artists

Kept detailed log books about all shanghaiing activities through his career. The log was found in the 1960s and lists every SF crimper. Died 1905 at 73.

The world’s 1st middleweight bare-knuckle champ and operator of a Shanghai den on the Barbary Coast.

The 1st attempt at Chandler & Harris' championship bought was broken up by the San Mateo Sheriff at 7 Mile House. The restaurant still exists near, what is now, the Cow Palace.
3 days later, Chandler won the championship.

Jackson Square

![Lick'[s father's] Bench](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5370e0b8e4b0a4617ea27607/1568268982732-5Z6XKZLV04EOB5WQZ94G/1.2.Lick%27s+bench.jpg)
Located in the main hall of Lick High School until recently.

At the James Lick Observatory on Mt. Hamilton. Lick is burried under the observatory.

Later donated to the Sons of the Pioneers

At the time when [Emperor] Joshua Norton would have lived there.

![Lick'[s father's] Bench](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5370e0b8e4b0a4617ea27607/1568268982732-5Z6XKZLV04EOB5WQZ94G/1.2.Lick%27s+bench.jpg)

International Settlement

Click on image to hear Sid in a documentary about “Terrific Street”

the first time a band was called a jazz band.

North side of Pacific