Ep 94 - 10 Tricks To Appear Foolish When Interviewing A Pro
We're cuckoo for pizza pillows
1:16:49 Writer/Editor: SK Morton CoHost: Peter Feliciano Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy Guest: Ms. Sarah Cooper
Ep 94 - 10 Tricks To Appear Foolish When Interviewing A Pro
SK and Pete have been doing this for a while now. And by "this" we mean goofing off, yelling over each other, and wandering through irrelevant tangents. But this week that all changed. This week we concentrated on just annoying our guest.
She is a comedian, an actress, a writer as well as published author (Because anybody can write, but only an author can wear patches on their blazer elbows), and as if all that weren't enough [of a cry for approval], she also appeased her parents by mastering the tech industry as some sort of transponster or something with Yahoo and Google.
Here in the Bomb Shelter, we recognized her many talents by: 1) Editing her 3 hour interview down to about 45 minutes. 2) Luring her into betraying her true feelings about fish dismemberment. 3) Inciting her to abandon her husband's name. 4) Urging her to appropriate her own Jamaican culture. 5) Highlighting her gifts of song and harmony. 6) Uncovering the truth - that she 'don't know nuthin' about birthin' no babies. 7) Outing her as the mastermind behind Flash Ads and her 4th grade teacher for worse than flashing. 8) Arguing about Georgia Tech's mascot. 9) Interrogating her about how often she wears pajamas in public. 10) Deciding that she's most funny when all parties are tipsy.
Ladies and gentlemen...please welcome a very funny lady...Sarah Cooper!