Ep 86 - Honky Talk Blues
Old man Periwinkle said, "This week's episode is really something. It's a case study in BLANK."
1:01:11 Writer/Editor: SK Morton (w/ Pete on Intro) CoHost: Pete Feliciano Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy
Ep 86 - Honky Talk Blues
SK often laments the appropriateness of that titular description of his little hobby that emanates from the Bomb Shelter. Despite Pete's protests, he's sure the podcast's end is imminent. In fact he predicts that there are no more than 14 shows left.
This week, the very foundation of the Lousy Podcast is examined & most likely undermined. We re-examine the prudence of racist jokes, droning diatribes, conflict for entertainment, and the value of "uh's".
As if a slap dashed version of Hannity & Colmes weren't off putting enough, we then go on a 15 minute (That's right - a quarter of an hour) description and editorial about the Northern California wild fires. Complete with insensitivity from SK and nonsensitivity from Pete. We itemize the destruction and wrap it up with a pointed anecdote about Babette's Victorianism.
And for the final blow, we talk about local development and the kind of political chicanery that leads to ill advised insults of public figures. And as a special treat, SK's delay in editing over the last month or so results in an unfortunately timed joke about a public servant who is no longer with us.
On the bright side there's a survey!