Ep 76 - The Unbillable Rightness Of Beeing
Give me a Bee!
1:12:49 Writer/Editor: SK Morton CoHost: Pete Feliciano Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy Guests: Roger Garrison and Babette
Ep 76 - The Unbillable Rightness Of Beeing
A Bee, or not a bee. That was the theme of the latest Lousy Podcast. Whether 'twas nobler to suffer another week of hurled insults or to treat skinned arms with oceans of oatmeal, just keep your opinion to yourself until the end.
To ride - to sleep; and by sleep we say to end in LA and a $115.00 shock each way. That flesh is heir too. 'Twas a consummation doubly near Ocean Beach's mist. To die of polar bear heart failure - to sleep as a rhino and not be resuscitated. To act - perchance to appear in movies. Ay, there's the bulb. For in that sleep of death what backhoe may come when we have encased in lead this mortal coil, must give us pause. There's the respect that makes calamity of so long life...or short, but with money.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of Tammy Foxx at Bridal Fitness Coach, the oppressors wrong, the pangs of despised love, and the spurns of that patient when he himself might his Murasmus make with a bare bodkin?
Who would these fardels bear to grunt and sweat under a weary life in Virginia, but that dread of something after St. Thomas, the undiscovered country from whose bourn this traveler - Roger Garrison - returns. And makes him rather bear those ills from his scooter as it flies over hills that some know not of?
Thus a swarm does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of wax moths
is sicklied over with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of hotels, Recology, and LaBeau with great pith and vinegar and with this regard their stingers turn awry and lose the name of A Bee Well Production and the San Francisco Bee Association.
The fair Throng!- Patreoniac, in thy orisons
be all our sponsors remembered.
Show Notes:
Check out Roger Garrison's A Bee Well Production and some videos about his work.