Ep 71 - A Blur Of Fun (LIVE from the FAME venue on Broadway) Pt 3 of 5
Everything we do is art.
01:07:41 Writer/Editor: SK Morton CoHost: Pete Feliciano Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy Guests: Francesca Valdez & David Ellington
Ep 71 - A Blur Of Fun
Have any of these blurbs ever been complimentary of Pete? If not, I would like to use this space to apologize. If so, I would like to do the same.
Truth be told, Pete saved the show this week. From his, per usual, legendary musical performances to his comic narration over SK's not-so-epic a capella singing to his pitching in with cleaning the restrooms, Pete made the show. That being said, I can not recommend anybody listen to this bilge.
The problems start with a last-minute cancellation by popular SF comic, Joe Klocek. SK countered with his version of a show-must-go-0n scheme by detailing the history of the Lousy Podcast.
Pete, after striking out with the many ladies walking by outside the window (His go-to move was to push his face up against the glass and throw his "intense eye contact"), attempted to counteract SK's personal history lesson with repeated interruptions about movies with odd soundtracks. SK, in turn, tried his best to derail Pete's disruptions by going full on ornithologist with a local story about Double Crested Cormorants not nesting on the Bay Bridge.
After a performance of Pete's original ode to 19th century prostitution the two interview the owner/operator of FAME and Broadway Studios as well as the show promoter and producer of an upcoming documentary about the venue.
So yeah...It was time for another song. Thanks Pete!