Ep 55 - Little Curmudgeon Pants
Pete's distaste for competition coupled with his affinity for Hasenpfeffer make for a dangerous mix.
1:22:40 Writer/Editor: SK Morton CoHost: Pete Feliciano Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy Guests: Rabbit Quinn & Babette
Ep 55 - Little Curmudgeon Pants
"SK!" Said Rabbit Quinn one evening when she found the Lousy Podcast host with little or nothing to say of any value. "How did you ever get Babette to marry you?"
"Well", said SK, "I 'spect twas the knuckle draggin'." And such was the confusion that has made for the basis of so many podcasts up until now.
On this episode the gang welcomes San Francisco based singer/song writer/pianist/chagrinee, Rabbit Quinn. She certainly was a good sport as SK hastily (We know that it was hasty because Babette signaled the second hand's reaching the 12 with great regularity) bounced from one mildly interesting topic to another with the not-so-subtle intention of editorializing on such material issues as Mannequinning, automobile jousting, bad journalism, and appropriation of misappropriated funds. (Babette is planning an uprising)
Eventually the show arrives at the interview portion with Ms. Quinn. We are treated to 2 songs from her upcoming album, Painted Fan, and then some really interesting insights into what it takes to be an incredibly talented musician who has to encounter Pete from time to time. Ultimately, Rabbit concedes that Billy Joel is what makes it all worth while and all indicate their approval by chewing on rubber.
Born and bred in the Bomb Shelter, Throng - born and bred. And with that, he skips out just as lively as a cricket in the embers.
Show Notes:
Check out Rabbit Quinn's links and support her at her KickStarter for Painted Fan