Ep 29 - I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
Who needs the Coronet? At the Alamo Drafthouse the floors are sticky on the outside of the theater.
1:31:02 Writer/Editor: SK Morton CoHost: Suzy L Guests: PJ with call-ins by Babette and text-ins by Peter Feliciano
Ep 29 - I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
According to a recent study conducted by the University of Georgia (The state - not the Godless country where only 1 in 8 citizens can accurately identify all 128 Doctors who), "Those who take part in, what's known as, 'Geek Culture' are more likely to to have an elevated sense of self and demonstrate narcissistic behavior". According to San Francisco based tour guide, implausible historian, asserted author, nominal podcast host and unsubstantiated local celebrity SK Morton, this study is pure Bantha Poodoo.
This week SK is joined by fill-in co-host, Suzy-L and her usual side-kick and hyphen abstainer PJ. This judiciary triumvirate of Star Wars fandom takes on such material issues as: The best light saber duels; Ewoks vs. Jar Jar; Lando's theft of Han's wardrobe; Chronic do-gooder Emperor Palpatine; Love in a galaxy far far away; and a comparison of dialogue, acting, story and character depth between each set of trilogies; all in an effort to shut down the prequel hating nerds.
Also included in this episode XXIX are discussions of the San Francisco Bay Area's influence on George Lucas and his movies and his lack of influence on the San Francisco Bay Area in order to get his I'm-more-than-Star-Wars Museum built. Although, SK does take some time to gush over one of Lucas' infrastructure projects - his parking garage in the Presidio.
And, SPOILER ALERT!!! There is also some discussion of the latest installment of the Bridal Fitness Coach and Amazon commercials, SK's Lousy San Francisco Treasure Hunt, the Throng Strong page with the full interview of Elizabeth Duran and Mike Keegan of the Alamo Drafthouse, and of course, Force Awakens spoilers from Star Wars point man, Pete Feliciano.
Our findings suggest that the rise of"Geek Culture" in San Francisco, while sure to destroy the very fabric of society, is merely the latest manifestation of what SK has clinically termed, "Whatever nerd".
Show Notes:
SK's Lousy Treasure Hunt - Complete list of clues for the 1st round
PODCAST CLUES: 1. William Ralston 2. Don't look for the lime light 3. It's no longer on Angel Island 4. Get a view from above
TOUR CLUES: 1. It's not on his property 2. You'll be able to see one of the buildings associated with Ralston from here... 3. ...but you won't see it from the street