Ep 20 - Lousypalooza
Here's the story of a man named Lousy
2:14:34 Writer/Editor: SK Morton Coco Host: Dave West House Band: Peter Feliciano Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy Guests: Suzy L; PJ; Indigo Java; Michelle Thomas; Babette and the Purple Guy
Show Notes:
Our version of fun at the bomb shelter.
Ep 20 - Lousypalooza
The fact of the matter is SK is a fraud. Think about it would any man with even the absolute minimum amount of integrity really spend their time shamelessly promoting their insignificant little walking (Let me repeat that - walking ) tour by means of a podcast? Essentially screaming to the world, "Look at me world. I can't hold down a real job!" Only SK Morton is that pathetic...and maybe his regular stable of lackeys.
This week we pull back the curtain of the podcast only to reveal dozens of empty yogurt cups and piles of saved copies of USA Today and Highlights for children. The clutter forces the gang out into a larger, amazingly less well lit space within the bomb shelter for our 1st annual season finale lovingly known as Lousypalooza.
Joining SK and Squidge at the kid's table are local comic and stand-up contest winner Dave West as well as, friend of the podcast and enemy of dry underarms, Pete Feliciano.
First we briefly visit with Throng members Suzy L and PJ before we realize that they both thought they were at Giants Fan Fest and mistook Dave for Santiago Casilla. Next up, former Coco-hosts, Indigo Java and Michelle Thomas step up to the microphone and show us all why the two were never able to make it work.
Of course, We also have time to talk with Babette and Squidge but at least we regret it. There were a few songs that Pete is proud of but no one had the heart to tell him that all of his parts were over-dubbed by Jack Black.
Look at us world! And we'll make sure to cut and paste our resume in the body of the email!