Ep 18 - An Englishman's Love Affair With Robin Hood
Returning Coco-host Michelle Thomas demonstrates the healing power of SK Morton's Lousy San Francisco Podcast.
1:13:51 Writer/Editor: SK Morton Coco Host: Michelle Thomas House Band and Musical Director: Shantwon Zee Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy Guest: Babbette and "Tony Quarington"
Ep 18 - An Englishman's Love Affair With Robin Hood
Webster's dictionary defines "aberration" as episode 18 of SK Morton's Lousy San Francisco Podcast. Indeed, this week we might have fallen backward into something that, up until now, was deemed impossible by mathematicians, physicists, political scientists, line cooks and most of our family members - an interesting podcast.
Amazing and wondrous things were encountered this week as we welcomed back, Throng favorite, Michelle Thomas as the Coco-host and bearer of gifts. To SK she presented a gift of art, To Squidge she served as fodder for a crush, and upon the Throng she conferred the willies as we discovered similarities between her latest series of paintings and a murder conspiracy from the '70s. It was at this curve that our yellow brick road veered away from what might have been an animal obituary and arrived at a plug for SK's long forgotten Amnesty Pond.
As ambrosial fragrance filled the bomb shelter blessed voices are found to be uttering something akin to joy as cub reporter, PJ interviews Giants' great, Corey Dullard with our latest installment in the Bridal Fitness Coach saga.
Then, with a preamble sweet, The entire gang interviews an ersatz Englishman of letters (And those letters are F.L.A.K.E) who goes by the name of Tony Quarington. The discussion is a charming symphony of San Francisco anecdotes complemented by reminiscences on Tony's home of perfidious Albion.
With Babette's arrival as fresh as spring we are greeted by trumpeters clothed in white as shining raiment. The Throng, with harps, sing plenty of praises as emails shine like gold and the promise of interracial dating presumes a future where forests and green slopes and sweet orchards and flashing waterfalls, one above the other, go on for ever. The holidays have begun.
Show Notes:
See Michelle Thomas' art at these websites: http://www.michellethomasfineart.com/ohq4dbkejjrojzkr2zqr0qy6qumqfy http://www.saatchiart.com/michellesindhathomas And an interview with her here: