Ep 14 - The Snail Assasin
A new take on the classic Norse poem, Reneeowolf.
1:28:13 Writer/Editor: SK Morton Coco Host: KS Notrom Assistant to the Regional Mariachi: Shantwon Zee Guests: Renee J & Babette
Ep 14 - The Snail Assassin
You know those stories on the news about those accountants or nurses or fire extinguisher service techs that turn out to be hit-men or Russian double agents or mattress salesmen? And they interview their friends and relatives and neighbors who are all shocked about the double lives these people lived? Well listen to this week's episode would ya!
Things start off innocently enough. We're introduced to the other half of SK's brain, KS Notrom, and all are delighted to learn that Shantwon is in the bomb shelter and armed with, quite possibly, a new chord for the night's festivities. And, most importantly we meet the Lousy Podcast's resident hungry hippie, Renee J.
Several interesting emails are discussed and subsequently forgotten as Renee J starts to lure the gang into a dark, dark place under the auspices of foodie talk.
Renee demonstrates a love for French food, Spanish food that mimics French food and Russian Bakeries. All of which provide her with lots and lots of salt. As things progress, fueled by a garlic and butter stupor, she opens up about gardening war stories and and reveals the source of her Post Traumatic Snail Disorder.
Midpoint in the horror we get a reprieve when Renee is distracted by flashbacks of the times she didn't go to Woodstock, Kent State or the summer of love in Golden Gate Park. She does give us some insights about the Haight Ashbury district in the '70s and sustainable edibles of the 2000s but soon enough we are, again, wallowing in the slime of snail talk. War is hell and this podcast is agony.