Book - MortonPiece Theater Presents:

Book - MortonPiece Theater Presents:

from $8.99

MORTONPIECE THEATER PRESENTS is the series of childish books that accompany SK Morton’s anything-but-immensely popular MortonPiece Theater videos hosted by Morty D. Crab.
The videos interpret well known fables and parables for the amusement of Mr. Morton and nobody else. Now, he’s cut and pasted some screen shots and hurriedly churned out these bird cage liners in an effort to capitalize on the lucrative self-published/illustrated paperback picture book market.

These books are minutes of fun for the really bored.

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MortonPiece Theater Presents: Mary Mapes Dodge’s, The Little Red Hen: A Read-A-Long and activity book Paperback – Large Print

This edition of MortonPiece Theater Presents: The Little Red Hen takes a stand for little red hens everywhere...except Rhode Island of course. Thrill to such action packed sequences as planting wheat and baking bread. Cheer on the hero as she naps. Shudder at the maniacal plans of the evil Dr. Innuendo. And learn a valuable lesson on the merits of gas cooking over electric. Best of all, you can either read it yourself, or let your kids look at the pictures and make up their own stories...they'll probably be more coherent than what's on the printed page anyway.

MortonPiece Theater Presents: Hans Christian Andersen's The Ugly Duckling: A Read-A-Long book and character study Paperback – Large Print

When a young duckling is cast out from his home, he picks up a "children's" book from MortonPiece Theater Presents and reads about another young fowl who's dealing with the same situation. This is that book. And while the young outcast duckling will never amount to anything, the moral of MortonPiece Theater Presents: The Ugly Duckling, gives hope to all ugly creatures, great and small (Mostly small because great creatures read real literature.) You may think you know this story - and you probably do - but this version takes more liberties with the original tale than Oliver Stone ever could have.

MortonPiece Theater Presents: George Webbe Dasent’s The Billy Goats Gruff: A read-a-long & choose-your-own adventure book Paperback – Large Print

Enjoy the latest Morality tale from SK Morton where we all learn that, in Norway, violence solves problems.
Join the Gruff family of goats as they over consume, overrun, over promise, and overthrow their geeky loner neighbor to, ultimately, commandeer the lush grounds of the farmer next door.
See how a family of three young goats battle the bloodthirsty troll whose only joy in life, aside from Fortnite, comes from mastication. They use cunning, subterfuge, and a dollop of muscle to escape his clutches and deliver to the troll his just desserts - washed down with a tall glass of justice.
A little bit of column A, and a little bit of column B, in this Choose-your-own-adventure.