Other Books by SK
MortonPiece Theater Presents is the series of childish books that accompany SK Morton's anything-but-immensely popular MortonPiece Theater videos hosted by Morty D Crab.
These stories interpret well known fables and parables for the amusement of Mr. Morton and nobody else. However, some have expressed an interest in read-alongs that would be fun for the whole family. Short of that, SK Morton has cut and pasted some screen shots and hurriedly churned out these bird cage liners in an effort to capitalize on the idea.
Collect all of the volumes and read along with your child or any inebriated loved one while enjoying its corresponding video (Videos are not included with the books but their easy to find online).
These books are minutes of fun for the really bored.
Going through life as an android is no way to succeed in business or life (Star Trek, Next Generation being the one notable exception). The best ideas and the most fun comes from moments of high energy and levity. And humor is the ideal catalyst for that. It does so much to inspire and connect us as humans. It’s our ticket to the lighter side of life. And when we’re light and energetic, our health improves. We can do crazy things like, Oh, I don’t know, speak the truth with ease. We connect better with people and we’re more creative and productive. Oh yeah, we also have WAY more fun!
So, what if we could start every meeting with an opener, receive the benefits of humor and emotional alignment, without risking our professional reputation?
Now, you can!
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