Ep 93 - After All The Good Is Gone
Three happy chappies with snappy serapes.
59:35 Writer/Editor: SK Morton CoHost: Peter Feliciano Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy
Ep 93 - After All The Good Is Gone
You can tell a show is on its way out when the focus and enthusiasm of its participants begins to wane...and they add a new kid to the cast... or Ted McGinley. We couldn't afford McGinley so ladies and gentlemen: Mr. Conway Twitty.
To be fair, SK and Pete can hardly be blamed for their low energy performance. Pete is becoming increasingly more busy with his musical career (Including his new album) and SK doesn't know any more things. This is evidenced by the updates this week which focused more on SK's jacket, his eating off of the desk, and his inability to keep up with his editing duties than it did the problems with the SF Municipal Transportation Agency. But hey, this one got posted...four months late and on a Wednesday.
Ultimately the two did get around to the night's theme of Land's End. They discussed Ocean Beach, the Outside Lands and Carville, the Cliff House and the baths of both Sutro as well as Lurline. SK gave his interpretation of facts when it came to Playland-at-the-Beach, It's Its, the Norwegian Gjoa, the SkyTram, Murre eggs at the Farallones Islands, Naiad Cove, Mile Rock, Seal Rock, Flag Rock, Kevin Hart and The Rock, O'neill wetsuits and [appropriately] jumping sharks.
To top it all off and sum it up: We talked about the Lyman Stewart, Frank Buck, Ohioan, SS Coos Bay, Rio De Jinero, Parallel and Yosemite stories....it was a ship wreck.
Show Notes:
Some of the pix SK shared with Pete during the Lousy Podcast