Ep 87 - She's A Little Bit Redneck Hippie
Sock it to me
57:57 Writer/Editor: SK Morton CoHost: Babette Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy Guests: Samantha Gilweit
Ep 87 - She's A Little Bit Redneck Hippie
It's been said that tragedy+time=comedy. But, after further review, it's been discovered that tragedy divided by the square root of callous indifference, multiplied by commiseration, plus time is the true formula. (Also something about A²+B² or something or other)
Our guest this week was local comedian, musician, tour guide, pig farmer, history buff, and mother, Samantha Gilweit. Hopefully that's all you need to know because SK never actually got around to asking her about these things. That's not to say that we can glean nothing else about her from this episode. We know she'd be willing to curate at the Paul Newman spit museum. We know she loves Bulls and Moose as long as they party with Teddy Roosevelt. We know she prefers to picnic with Honda. And we know she's not a fan of apple sauce.
But most importantly, we know her ties to, and love of, Sonoma County compelled her to do something when the fires hit the wine country this last November. We talked about her spear-heading of relief efforts among the comedy community as well as possible causes of the fires and even some happy stories about animal survival. Of course Babette, as fill-in cohost, made clear her position on Yurts, while SK seemed to be most interested in presidential knife fights.
So adding it all up, Samantha made this week's episode greater than the sum of its parts.