Ep 84 - Snike Boits & Rise Up Lights
57:36 Writer/Editor: SK Morton CoHost: Pete Feliciano Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy Guests: Maddy Dullum
Ep 84 - Snike Boits & Rise Up Lights
After and exhaustive search for local talent willing to risk the three terrors of the Bomb Shelter, this week we managed to lure Gig Harbor, Washington's (The 2nd guest from Gig Harbor in as many weeks), singer/songwriter Maddy Dullum.
As SK decided to invert the usual format and start right in with the interview, Maddy seemed very upbeat and friendly and talented and bored to tears. She was a great sport who was willing to play along with SK and Pete's sophomoric antics. That being the case, the three discussed Reservoir Dogs, Fiddler On The Roof, and Fight Club. After which SK educated all in the nuance of the hard-but-worth-it rock spectrum, and then there was the requisite Billy Joel vs. Elton John discussion.
Finally, after realizing that their clowning is running thin, Maddy was invited to grace the Bomb Shelter with song. Then they returned to their clowning and a dubious proposal during the Bridal Fitness Coach commercial.
As usual, the guest made the show. Just not to San Francisco code.
Show Notes:
Hello, World!