Ep 77 - Aquatic Park: The History And The Currency
Pete calls the plays. Keith sends them in using signs.
1:14:39 Writer/Editor: SK Morton CoHost: Pete Feliciano Producer/Sound Engineer: Squidge McSqueezy Guests: Keith Breitbach
Ep 77 - Aquatic Park: The History And The Currency
Maybe the problem is we're too interesting. Maybe we don't grab people's attention because our brand of infotainment goes over the heads of most listeners. Maybe we're just intimidating. In other words, maybe it's us.
In an experiment to see if we can right the podcast, this week, we welcomed into the bomb shelter, Keith Breitbach (If that indeed is his real name). Keith was evasive about what he did for a living but he's an exceptional podcaster in his own right so we gave him a microphone. The man wouldn't stop talking about Municipal Pier at Aquatic Park. As it turns out, Keith is the project director for the Committee to save Aquatic Park Pier.
Now we're open minded and all that sort of nonsense, but we felt that updates might be more appropriate to start the show. After all, the 2017 Cable Car Bell Contest had just concluded this week so we spent 20 minutes or so talking about Pete's recent contest win, Schwarzenegger's starring role in Titanic, an absent architect, Ed Lee's Mustache (Remember to hashtag), and - because it's podcast gold - Animal Obituaries.
So yeah. We're still looking for that audio magic. At least we gave the sponsors enough play.
Program Notes:
Here's some of SK's pictures of Aquatic park dating from 1856 to the present: